Rosewater Brightening Fights the Title Sequence

A title card made for fun after the premiere, and given a kraft paper look.
The rainbow stripe design was the very first design motif tossed around.
But it didn't end up in use anywhere in the film.

The first in-film version of the title card. It hung over a jaunty marching tune.
Both song and title card were cut in later editing.
It uses big bold futura font for a midcentury look.

An early version of a heavily distorted standalone title sequence.
It had flashing mountain textures and circles and a prism effect.
Later, it got an expanding circle of inverted hue.
(Borrowed from the Babylon Berlin titles, which I love.)
Looked pretty cool, but didn't quite fit the color of the film.
And there wasn't enough time to justify an exposition-less title sequence.

I had trouble putting text over the footage because it got lost in the highlights.
But a vignette circle of red colorization allowed enough contrast for readability.
The final title sequence takes place over an amphibious landing.
(There are lily pads in the background.)

The end credit card.
I'm pretty happy about this one.
It's got a bit of fifties glow. And a hanging rose.
"A motion picture." How grand.
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